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It all began in 2011, when Jérôme Michaud-Larivière hatched the idea of creating an electrical power generating system in the form of a tree, with each leaf resembling an actual mini wind turbine. Capturing low wind speeds and turbulances is at the crux of this novel approach, which can deliver power and autonomy simply through a proliferation of leaves.

Thus, l'Arbre à Vent® was born out of a desire to create the first human-scale biomimetic wind turbine capable of recreating a sympathetic bond between the consumer and his or her means of power generation. Organic and curvilinear in form, the Arbre à Vent® turns its back on our very notion of windmills, obscuring cables, blades and generators within the disguise of the tree.

New Wind, France, 2012

Photo© DR Karine Bauzin